Vinnare av 360° eat guide i Lighthouse categorin 20
2020 vann Kalf & Hansen 360° Eat Guide i Lighthouse kategorin. Detta för att vi jobbar med hållbarhet i alla aspekter och lyser upp vägen för andra inom matbranschen och visar hur man kan jobba 100 % ekologiskt.
Här är deras motivation
”Nordic, organic fast food that’s served seasonally and under the direction of father Rune and son Fabian. This is circular cooking for the people — nice, modern, and good, without any additives — a LIGHTHOUSE that lights up and shows the way.
The business is growing and Kalf & Hansen is now located in three spots in the Swedish capital. Here, father Rune and son Fabian cook Nordic, organic fast food at a high pace and with great insight into the impact food and drink have on the climate and on our common future.”